This article reviews the related ophthalmic journals in the last ten years to address the topic of current trends of resident education in ophthalmology 本文搜集近十年内眼科期刊上,住院医师?育改革的相关文章,并加以整理,以简要说明目前眼科医学?育的新趋势。
Unfortunately , there is little documentation or tutorials which address the topic of how to develop smf bundles in the websphere studio device developer device developer environment 不幸的是,关于如何在websphere studio device developer ( device developer )环境中开发smf包为主题的文档或教程非常少。
They should write two pages ( 1 ) summarizing how the news story / commentary addresses the topic of technology in a dangerous world , and ( 2 ) suggesting ways that they could do further research into this topic 学生写一篇二页的文章: ( 1 )概括说明新闻故事及解说词如何阐述主题,即“危机世界中的科学技术” ; ( 2 )推荐一些方法方式,使他们对此主题可以进行深入研究。